

  1. Sling Money is live in the USA! (mikehudack.substack.com)
  2. What I've been working on (mikehudack.substack.com)
  3. Telegram is not safe (mikehudack.substack.com)
  4. It's time to tinker (mikehudack.substack.com)
  5. Finding my religion (mikehudack.substack.com)
  6. How we keep the momentum (mikehudack.substack.com)
  7. A product management reading list (mikehudack.substack.com)
  8. Why Substack? (mikehudack.substack.com)
  9. Subscribe to Product and Politics (mikehudack.substack.com)
  10. 2025 Predictions (macwright.com)
  11. Recently 2024 (macwright.com)
  12. Bandcamp wrapped (macwright.com)
  13. |Geopolitics| The empire strikes back. (www.youtube.com)
  14. Recently: Cycling and Autumn (macwright.com)
  15. Recently (macwright.com)
  16. |Politics| Today's selfie is tomorrow's biometric profile. (adam.harvey.studio)
  17. Recently (macwright.com)
  18. |INFO| Slower News Semiannual - Autumn Issue. (slowernews.substack.com)
  19. Recently (macwright.com)
  20. |Energy| Electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars. (theconversation.com)
  21. Reverse engineering a day’s worth of websites (macwright.com)
  22. Obsidian Freeform (macwright.com)
  23. Recently (macwright.com)
  24. |Society| Dying alone. (www3.nhk.or.jp)